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Word Slinger combines elements of Scrabble with a crossword-style puzzle to form an unforgettable and addictive gaming experience. Show off your vocabulary and have some fun with Word Slinger..
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Word Slinger is een echt puzzelspel. Het doet denken aan Scrabble met dit verschil dat je hier met stukjes woord of vaste lettercombinatieblokjes werkt. Je kunt kiezen uit twee spelopties. Of op je gemak -probeer het bord vol te krijgen - of op een soort tetris-achtige manier. Word Slinger combines elements of Scrabble with a crossword-style puzzle to form an unforgettable and addictive gaming experience. Show off your vocabulary and have some fun with Word Slinger..
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Link letters to find words hidden in the grid and glorious treasures will dazzle your eyes. Find long words and unleash electrifying power-ups to aid your quest. Dig, Fight, Build!
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See more. Word-slinger definition is - a professional writer; especially : a hack writer. All hail Word Slinger - the new king of word games! Try Free.
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Word Slinger is everything you've been looking for! Combining elements from word game classics, the makers of GameHouse Word Collection have created an unforgettable and addictive gaming experience. Try your hand at two exciting modes: Speed and Strategy. Don't let the list of words reach the top in Speed mode. Word Slinger Description: Word Slinger combines elements of Scrabble with a crossword-style puzzle to form an unforgettable and addictive gaming experience. Programs for query ″free full download for word slinger″ Word Slinger is developed by Big Fish Games and published by GameHouse.It was released on March 14, 2006 for PC.we provided Word Slinger PC Game with pro account of mediafire (without ads, direct link) under 100 GB.Is this game is free and for Pc? Yes this game is free video game and for Computer. Word Slinger.
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When your word list is at the top, the words shake. This game has timed mode that is relatively fast, and untimed mode, which for me is the most fun. 25/4/2005 · Word Slinger is packed with bonuses and power-ups! Take advantage of word and score multiplying power-ups as well as Discard and Hint Accumulators.
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