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植物树木3D模型 Archmodels vol. 154 3DS MAX/C4D格式 一共包含60个高精度植物树木3D模型,适合用于建筑设计表现装饰,Vray渲染器,3DS MAX+C4D格式 压缩包3.84 3DS MAX需要2011 或者更高版本 Archmodels vol. 154 is a collection of 60 expert and fully detailed 3d models that can be used for your architectural visualizations. In this pack, users can freely try different plants and trees models with the premium quality. You can also use all objects in your visualizations.

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CGarchitect - Professional 3D Architectural Visualization User EVERMOTION ARCHMODELS VOL.154 Archmodels vol. 154 includes 60 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations. This collection comes with high quality plants and trees models. All objects are ready to use in your visualizations.


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154 includes 60 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations. This collection comes with high quality plants and trees models. All objects are ready to use in your visualizations. Presented models and scenes were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max. CGer.com(CG儿,原Ghostxx) 是一个针对于CG、设计、技术、建筑、艺术、软件等行业公益性的网站收藏、资源分享网站,是专业的行业网址站点大全、资源分享平台。用户可以添加喜欢的CG网站、博客、微博 、空间、资源的地址,通过审核就可以放在页面上,用户也可以评价每个网站和资源,并且会 10组餐厅咖啡馆外部场景3D模型 Archexteriors vol. 36 10组高质量现代城市建筑外部场景3D模型 Archexteriors vol.

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一共包含60个高精度植物树木3D模型,适合用于建筑设计表现装饰,Vray渲染器,3DS MAX+C4D格式. 压缩包3.84; 3DS MAX需要2011 或者更高版本; Vray For 3DS MAX 2.0或者更高版本; Cinema 4D-R11.5(文件与Cinema 4D R20不兼容) VRAYforC4D Ray 1.1 evermotion archmodels vol 154 plants amp trees 3d mili, 3ds max library archmodels vol 154 th vin 3ds max, evermotion archmodels 154 cgicommunity, evermotion archmodels vol 154 plants amp trees 3d mili, evermotion archmodels vol 154 cg river, evermotion archmodels vol 154 btdig, evermotion archives down3dmodels, archmodels indyzone, evermotion archmodels 154 cg daily news, desire fx evermotion Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide. Title: EVERMOTION ARCHMODELS VOL.154, Author: azupshare, Length: 17 pages, Published: 2015-09-06 Archmodels.Vol.154.Plants.zip (2.27 GB) Choose free or premium download. SLOW DOWNLOAD FAST INSTANT DOWNLOAD Download Type: Free: Premium Download Speed: 1.00 MBps Archmodels vol. 154 includes 60 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations. This collection comes with high quality plants and trees models.

CGarchitect - Professional 3D Architectural Visualization User EVERMOTION ARCHMODELS VOL.154 Archmodels vol. 154 includes 60 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations. This collection comes with high quality plants and trees models. All objects are ready to use in your visualizations. Presented models and scenes were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max.

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