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Improve the user interface of an app by learning about Material Design guidelines and best practices for UI development. First you’ll create an interactive tip calculator app that takes in user input and calculates the tip. Then you’ll create an Affirmations app that displays a list of inspiring phrases and images.

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Google 5G smartphones feature the latest technology so you always have that new phone feeling. Find out which Pixel phone is right for you. 适用于 Android 系统的 VPN 应用程序。一键下载、轻松安装,选择您想要连接的国家或地区即可。 If you're seeing some of these problems with Chrome, you might have unwanted software or malware installed on your computer: Pop-up ads and new tabs that won't go away Your Chrome homepage or se Create and edit web-based documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Store documents online and access them from any computer. Improve the user interface of an app by learning about Material Design guidelines and best practices for UI development. First you’ll create an interactive tip calculator app that takes in user input and calculates the tip. Then you’ll create an Affirmations app that displays a list of inspiring phrases and images.

Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Take control of your calls. Forward calls to any device and have spam calls silently blocked. With Voice, you decide who can reach you and when. The official site for Android app developers.

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