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果拉 Go用Go编写的自托管Quora之类的Web应用程序 基于Golang类似知乎的私有部署问答应用包含问答,评论,点赞,管理后台等功能 快速入门(Docker部署) $ docker-compose up --build 开发(非Dockerized部署) 1.克隆源代码 $ git clone https://github.com/meloalright/guora $ cd guora 2.下载要求 $ go mod download 3.创建配置 $ touch /etc/guora/configuration.yaml # configuration for dev db : driver : sqlite3 addr : ./guora.db # driver


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Quora is the place to read Barack Obama on the Iran deal, prisoners on life in prison, scientists on global warming, police officers on how to deter burglars, and TV producers on how their shows are made. 主要是定位和目标群体不同,知乎的定位是高级厕所,大部分人进来还是为了生理需求;quora定位基本属于休息室,外面需要生理需求的人群一般不… Shadowsocks is an open source project for noneprofit. If you bought the service from a provider, please contact them. / 影梭(Shadowsocks)是一个开源非盈利项目,不提供任何托管服务。如果你是从服务提供商购买的服务,请联系他们 If you have questions rather than Shadowsocks Windows clien It’s quite a simple answer for Ginny and Hermione. Ginny and Hermione are teenage girls with raging hormones and crushes and impulses and romantic/sexual desires.

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Its owner, Quora Inc., is based in Mountain View, California, United States. The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and suggesting edits to answers that have been submitted by other users. In 2020, the Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue برجاء تفعيل Javascript وتحديث الصفحة للمتابعة Quora User , lives in Earth.


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不,您无法删除它们,如果可以的话,评论的重点到底是什么? 老实说,有些不好的评论是件好事,因为最终有些真实的人会因为愚蠢的 … Quora est un endroit conçu pour apprendre et partager ses connaissances. Il s'agit d'une plateforme sur laquelle on peut poser ses questions et entrer en contact avec des personnes qui apportent leur contribution en partageant leurs idées uniques New and Exciting Venture for the Duke of Sussex On behalf of the Royalty Worldwide community, I’d like to heartily congratulate Prince Harry on his installation as “the chief impact officer at BetterUp Inc., a San Francisco-based health tech company, 观察者网,致力于荟萃中外思想者精华,鼓励青年学人探索,建中西文化交流平台,为崛起中的精英提供决策参考。 Embarrassing Moments is a space dedicated to posting Quora user's embarrassing moments in life.


Possibly, the most delicious and flavourful way to make yellow dhal curry. The lentil curry is specially tempered. 沪江英语提供Quora神回答、英文知乎信息,Quora精选简介:Quora,英语版知乎上的神回答也层不出穷:它们有些逗比,有些睿智,有些发人深省。沪江为你节选Quora神问题神回答,涨知识,让生活变得更美 … Quora is an American question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited by Internet users, either factually or in the form of opinions. Its owner, Quora Inc., is based in Mountain View, California, United States. The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and … Quora上有很多优秀答主,没事可以去看看。 更重要的是看里面的那些问题和答案,可以从日常角度了解外界的人如何看待世界,如何看待中国。 虽然目前里面的中国用户只有2%,但是他们都在努力的让西方世界了解真实的我们,在有人黑中国,泼脏水给中国的时候,努力用英文写详细的答案,发出 好像是在知乎上随意浏览时中看到Quora这个社区的,模糊的记得知主当时给的评价是Quora上有很多大咖,职业遍布各个领域,对一些问题的看法比较新颖,还可以这么说,足不出户就可以感受到贴切的英语环境。抱着好奇的心里就登录上去看看了,因为之前有注册过hotmail邮箱。 Quora is a Q&A platform that empowers people to share and grow the world’s knowledge. People come to Quora to ask questions about any subject, read high quality knowledge that's personalized and relevant to them, and share their own knowledge with others.


It's a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. This empowers people to learn from each other and to better understand the world. 国内的问答网站虽然也批了SNS的外衣,然实名制却成为Quora与 百度知道 们的分水岭。 2010年3月,Quora收到了第一笔来自于基准 (Benchmark Capital)的投资,上市前被估值为8600万美元的Quora已将竞争对手、已经上市且被估值为6200万美元的Answers甩在后面。� Quora is a Q&A platform that empowers people to share and grow the world’s knowledge. People come to Quora to ask questions about any subject, read high quality knowledge that's personalized and relevant to them, and share their own knowledge with others. Quora is a place to share knowledge and better understand the world. Quora中文网是三泰虎旗下一个专门翻译美版知乎Quora上有趣问答的网贴翻译网站。 Quora是美国的一个问答SNS网站,是知识问答社区,类似国内的知乎,知乎是一个真实的网络问答社区,用户在上面分享彼此的专业知识、经验和见解,为互联网源源不断地提供高质量的信息。 主要是定位和目标群体不同,知乎的定位是高级厕所,大部分人进来还是为了生理需求;quora定位基本属于休息室,外面需要生理需求的人群一般不… 沪江英语提供Quora神回答、英文知乎信息,Quora精选简介:Quora,英语版知乎上的神回答也层不出穷:它们有些逗比,有些睿智,有些发人深省。 沪江为你节选Quora神问题神回答,涨知识,让生活变得更美好~ Quora[Zero加速型]云技术.

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People come to Quora to ask questions about any subject, read high quality knowledge that's personalized and relevant to them, and share their own knowledge with others. Quora is a place to share knowledge and better understand the world. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue 即将离开知乎. 你访问的网站有安全风险,切勿在该网站输入知乎的帐号和密码。 如需访问,请手动复制链接访问。 Hence the Quora policy respecting BNBR applies here too. This Space is about memes and just memes, and no political discussion/policy discussion on serious topics. This is just for laughs, that’s it. Just post the meme and move on.


沪江英语 2021-04-05 09:00 Poliittiseen keskusteluun kyllä. En tosin viitsi jatkaa jos se menee tyyliin " mut kun mamu, mutkun Eu, mutkun USA, mutkun hyvät ja luottamukselliset suhteet ( Venäjä ". Siinä ei ole äärtä eikä määrää. Hyvään depattiin otan mieluusti osaa. 3/4/2021 · Quora精选:有哪些水果对健康有益? 沪江英语 2021-04-03 08:00 সানিয়া সারাহ (Sania Sarah), প্রাক্তন Student. For you I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt Cip Trading Ins, संस्थापक CIP Trading/ Youtuber/Engineer (2019-वर्तमान) Heute gilt das als rechts, was vor 20 Jahren Mitte war.

It's a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. This empowers people to learn from each other and to better understand the world. quora就是美版知乎,知乎就是国产quora,不过知乎的功能还是要更多一些,不过问答仍然是最核心的功能。 由于网络,语言等问题,我觉得大家也不用上quora了,用好知乎就对了。在这里没必要去介绍知乎是什么了吧,说说它的最重要的一些功能吧。 3.1 提问与回答 Quora中文网是三泰虎旗下一个专门翻译美版知乎Quora上有趣问答的网贴翻译网站。 Quora是美国的一个问答SNS网站,是知识问答社区,类似国内的知乎,知乎是一个真实的网络问答社区,用户在上面分享彼此的专业知识、经验和见解,为互联网源源不断地提供高质量的信息。 Quora[Zero加速型]云技术. 01. Zero加速型云技术(Zero Accelerated Cloud Skill),是专门为矿机提供加速算力的运算芯片。. 02.